Database Structure

Database Structure

The data purchased and generated by AHETF was carefully analyzed by AHETF, USEPA, PMRA, CDPR and USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture). The data deemed acceptable by these agencies was included in the new database. 

The AHETF, in cooperation with the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) and the Antimicrobial Exposure Assessment Task Force (AEATF), developed database software called the Agricultural Handler Exposure Database (AHED®) for handling the data entry, calculations, and data analysis.  Thus, a common database software tool will be used for risk assessments both in North America and Europe.  However, the data generated in Europe will be uploaded to the European version and the AHETF data will be uploaded to the North American (AHETF) version. In this way, the software is the same, but the data will only be that which is applicable to each continent.  Likewise, the AEATF version will only contain data applicable to that Task Force.

For Additional Information

Rhonda Bichsel at rhondab@johnsonmgt.com or 660-621-4237
Dave Johnson at davejohn@johnsonmgt.com or 660-621-4241.

The AHETF has a Technology Transfer Document that contains details about the AHETF and its testing program that is available upon request.